It's true. Looks can be deceiving! We've talked about this before in a previous blog, but since we have received many inquiries recently on how to determine whether a product is up to date, real or fake, we decided to inform everyone on how to spot fake products on the market. So, let's talk Lioele.
If you haven't noticed, often times Korean cosmetic companies such as Lioele tend to change up their products roughly every two years or so. Why do they do this? They do it to allow their customers to be aware of their products that may be expiring soon. For example, after Lioele repackages/redesigns a particular BB cream, all verified vendors should be now only selling that one to their customers. If another vendor is seen selling the older version at the same time that a newly packaged product hit the market, customers will be able to see that that particular vendor has the old packaged BB cream; therefore, they would be selling the non-approved product and is a non-verified seller of Lioele.
Not surprisingly enough, a fake-product manufacturer will typically produce a duplicated/replicated product over the course of 3-5 years on their own. Of course, they want to keep up with the real-world market, so of course they wouldn't continue to keep producing fake products.
Tip: The next time you a purchase a Lioele product, you can check its authenticity by checking a particular date printed on the package. Most Korean cosmetic companies print only the manufactured date rather than the expiration date on their packages, this is a great way to figure it out. It may be a bit complicated to tell, but if you are a Lioele fan and want nothing but the best, keep in mind that Lioele's products are not as widely reproduced as many other Korean products.
If you haven't noticed, often times Korean cosmetic companies such as Lioele tend to change up their products roughly every two years or so. Why do they do this? They do it to allow their customers to be aware of their products that may be expiring soon. For example, after Lioele repackages/redesigns a particular BB cream, all verified vendors should be now only selling that one to their customers. If another vendor is seen selling the older version at the same time that a newly packaged product hit the market, customers will be able to see that that particular vendor has the old packaged BB cream; therefore, they would be selling the non-approved product and is a non-verified seller of Lioele.
Not surprisingly enough, a fake-product manufacturer will typically produce a duplicated/replicated product over the course of 3-5 years on their own. Of course, they want to keep up with the real-world market, so of course they wouldn't continue to keep producing fake products.

Of course, you can determine the authenticity of a Lioele product by its overall quality of usage as well, especially those with highly rated reviews. Perhaps, if you've had a terrible experience with a well-known 5-star rated Lioele product before and could not figure out why the product didn't work out for you, there could be chances that the product in your hand may not be what you think. You should draw up a red warning flag immediately and continue to look into the situation further. Once again, checking the date printed as the manufactured rather than expiration could be the next effective step.
As the CEO of Pretty&Cute, I feel strongly about this topic as I truly strive to bring in only authentic and high quality products directly from manufacturers overseas to all of my customers. I want to make sure that each and every person who comes by a Lioele or other top-favorite cosmetic brand gets their hands on something that is authentic and genuine because I feel that we all deserve to enjoy the true essence of these products and nothing less.
<3, Janie
CEO of
Lioele U.S based partner since 2010
Lioele U.S based partner since 2010